April 4, 2005
Dad and Emily watch sea lions training at the zoo.
Mommy shows Emily the elephants.
A giraffe sticks out its tongue.
Aunt Kim takes charge over stroller duty.
She and Emily visit a cow.
The family gets up close and personal with a lorikeet.
It's time for another picnic.
Jeff and Emily go for a crawl.
That Uncle Jeff sure is goofy.
The fountain is so tempting.
Chocolate chip cookies are also tempting.
Dad gets ready to hoist Emily.
The family takes a walk by the river.
The sunset made for a lovely scene.
Emily leapt from the arms of one person to another to another.
The lights glow as we make our way out of the park.
Maybe Mommy would like some flowers.
Emily plays with her cousin, Muddy.
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