August 30, 2004
August 26, 2004
Bath time elicits a sense of wonder.
As in: "I wonder what this faucet tastes like."
There's only one way to find out.
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August 24, 2004
It's bedtime, so Emily is, of course, wide awake.
At least she's in a good mood, though.
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August 22, 2004
As Emily reaches for her bowl, disaster is immanent.
For some reason, this angle doesn't work well.
Let's try again.
Maybe it's easier to just bring your face to the bowl.
A brief pause is allowed to smile for a photo op.
Then it's right back to her project.
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August 21, 2004
Her mouth opens like a baby bird waiting for worms.
A bath is a great way to finish out the day.
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August 18, 2004
Emily tries to use the spoon herself.
She can't quite figure out which end goes in.
But it sure makes her happy.
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August 15, 2004
Emily becomes upset when she learns that Grammy has to leave.
But her mood improves with a visit to Aunt Wanda's house later.
With a little help, she can sit upright.
It doesn't last long, though.
Emily and Mimi enjoy the nice weather.
This outfit is so boring and clean.
There, that's better.
Emily offers her services in searching for the one true ring.
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August 14, 2004
August 11, 2004
Emily samples her first bites of rice cereal.
Mom deilvers another spoonfull.
Mom's enjoying this experience even more than Emily.
Look, Dad can do it too!
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August 10, 2004
The ExerSaucer can really wear you out.
Fortunately, it doubles as a nice place to sleep.
Curling up in bed with a frog is much more comfortable, though.
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