May 24, 2004

Who could resist a baby this adorable?

Emily's powers of cuteness are overwhelming.

You will now obey her every command.

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May 23, 2004

Before going out, it's important to put on a clean diaper.

Captured for the first time ever, Emily actually smiles in her car seat.

Emily falls asleep on Dad at T.G.I. Friday's.

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May 19, 2004

The family prepares to leave for Emily's 8-week checkup at the doctor.

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May 18, 2004

You've got to get up early in order to catch one of Emily's smiles.

There's only a small window of opportunity before they disappear.

Clearly she is a morning person.

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May 16, 2004

Emily visits the Birmingham Botanical Gardens.

She thought the roses were beautiful.

Emily and Mom almost got lost among the roses.

Just in case you forgot about him, Dad went too.

Emily ducks her head from all the bees.

After so much walking, she falls asleep in the swing.

Still asleep, she missed out on the lily pond.

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May 14, 2004

Emily is back asleep with Dad again.

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May 12, 2004

On Emily's first big trip, we went to Cullman. She screamed the whole way there.

She got to see Cathy.

She finally got a picture with her cousin Trion.

Then she hung out with Trion and her cousin Kristen.

On the way home, Emily again screamed the whole way.

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May 9, 2004

Emily falls asleep in one of her favorite places.

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May 8, 2004

Mom brings Emily to work.

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May 7, 2004

Emily keeps an eye on her mobile.

Later she tries out her play mat.

May 6, 2004

Things aren't going well for our heroine.

Emily strikes a classic pose.

May 4, 2004

Emily lounges on the sofa.

May 3, 2004

Emily takes a nap in her swing.

May 1, 2004

Aunt Cathy visits Emily.

Emily meets her Uncle Jackie.

Then she hangs out with her cousin Kristen.

Aunt Wanda steps in to make sure that no one holds the baby for too long.

After having been a polite hostess for all her company, Emily made up for her calm behavior by screaming for a few hours as soon as everyone left.

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