October 29, 2004

Emily is glad to see Mom and Dad when they arrive to pick her up from day care.

She crawls right over to greet them.

Mom gets a hug.

Emily's pumpkin outfit is so cute.

But it's time to change into her flower costume.

The family heads to Boo at the Zoo.

... where we met Captain Hook

... and even more unsavory creatures.

Emily poses with Jerry Tracy (and a princess) from NBC 13.

Then she met another flower.

Emily hangs out with her friend Maddie as they wait for the carousel.

Emily rides the otter since they were such a big hit at the aquarium.

The haunted carousel turned out to be great fun.

Get it? Turned out! Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

It's feeding time at the zoo.

Soon after dinner though, a worn-out Emily falls asleep.

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