October 1, 2004

Emily and Grampa hang out at the hotel pool.

The whole family (most of us, anyway) has lunch at a pub across the street.

Then it's back to the pool.

Mom and Emily goof around with the camera.

After the wedding, Emily is ready to celebrate.

The reception was held at the Colorado Museum of History.

Some of the exibits were pretty exciting.

The bee teether provided for a temporary distraction.

Emily got a little attention from everyone, so she had a great time.

Emily tries to eat Uncle Jeff's flower while Uncle Jeff tries to eat Emily.

When Jeff won't let her eat the flower, Emily gets upset.

The bride and groom pose with their niece.

The Cuthbert family poses with a tired baby.

Grammy and Ashley join Emily on the dance floor.

Linda, Brandon, and Ashley each pull Emily in a different direction.

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