Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cupcake celebration 

Fountain at SoHo, originally uploaded by MCuthbert.

I am loving my new cell phone (which, by the way, is also my first cell phone)! I took this picture with my phone yesterday afternoon at the fountain in front of the courthouse in Homewood. Within seconds, I was able to e-mail it to have it automatically post to my Flickr page. How nifty!

Ice cream cupcakes outside Soho Sweets
Originally uploaded by MCuthbert
We hung around the fountain waiting for our friends Kiki and Joe to show up with their daughter. Then, after the kids ran around chasing each other and screaming for a few minutes, we all headed over to SoHo Sweets for their ice cream cupcakes, which were part of the "Sweet on a Cure" fundraiser.

The desserts were huge. They had ice cream sandwiched between two layers of cupcake with a generous portion of frosting on top. The girls didn't come close to finishing theirs, and Misty didn't much care for them (she's insane), so I ended up eating my own plus about half of two more. It was a little more than I needed, but they were awesome.

After eating (and some more running around screaming), we took the kids over to Homewood Park where they could run around and scream in a more appropriate environment. Emily ran into a boy from her kindergarten class and proudly showed off her missing tooth. We let the kids play until it got dark, then headed home for dinner. You'd think that after all their activity on the playground that they'd have collapsed into bed, but no such luck. It was a great day, though.